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Please pick a date and time within 8am-5pm, business days.
Access our automated sample portal:
Please review the information on the patient site or call Sanofi Customer Service (1-800-981-2491).
Please review the information on the patient site or call Sanofi Customer Service
Please review the information on the patient site or call general Sanofi Customer Service (1-800-981-2491).

An email as been sent to your sales representative with your contact information and best time to reach you. Thank you.

Thank you. In just a moment you will receive a call to attempt to connect you to (Medical Information, Customer Support, Sales Representative)

You'll be contacted now. Please have the phone with the number you provided close by. Thank you for your interest. For additional information we invite you to visit our product website
You'll be contacted now. Please have the phone with the number you provided close by. Thank you for your interest. For additional information we invite you to visit our product website
You'll be contacted now. Please have the phone with the number you provided close by. Thank you for your interest. For additional information we invite you to visit our product website
Thank you for your inquiry, a representative will reach out to you at the scheduled day and time. In the meantime we invite you to visit our product website for more information
Thank you for your inquiry, a representative will reach out to you at the scheduled day and time. In the meantime we invite you to visit our product website for more information
Thank you for your inquiry, a representative will respond to your email as soon as possible. In the meantime, we invite you to visit our product website for more information
Thank you for your inquiry, a representative will respond to your email as soon as possible. In the meantime, we invite you to visit our product website for more information
Thank you for your inquiry, a representative will respond to your email as soon as possible. In the meantime, we invite you to visit our product website for more information
Thank you. We are going to connect you to our Medical Information team.
Thank you. We are going to connect you to our Customer Support team
If you wish to be contacted about another Sanofi diabetes product, click here. You'll be redirected to the Diabetes Microsite Home page.
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This site is intended for use by US residents only.
Last Updated: November 2023